MICHAŁ WASIUCIONEK este cercetător la Institutul de Istorie „Nicolae Iorga“, Academia Română. Preocupat de teoria reţelelor, patronaj, clientelism și comunităţile periferice în sud-estul Europei, secolul al XVII-lea, cu un interes aparte pentru ţările române, Imperiul Otoman și spaţiul polono-lituanian. Cercetător în cadrul proiectului european „Luxury, Fashion and Social Status in Early Modern South-Eastern Europe“ (http://luxfass.nec.ro). Scrieri: The Ottomans and Eastern Europe: Borders and Political Patronage in the Early Modern World, Tauris, London–New York, 2019.
MICHAŁ WASIUCIONEK is a researcher at the Nicolae Iorga Institute of History – Romanian Academy. His research interests include network theory, patronage, clientelism and peripheral communities in Southeastern Europe and the seventeenth century with a special interest in the Romanian countries, the Ottoman Empire, and the Polish-Lithuanian area. Researcher in the ERC Project: Luxury, Fashion and Social Status in Early Modern South-Eastern Europe (http://luxfass.nec.ro). He is the author of The Ottomans and Eastern Europe. Borders and Political Patronage in the Early Modern World, Tauris, London–New York, 2019.