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Romania Redux. A View from Harvard

Editura Humanitas

, Romania Redux. A View from Harvard

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Romania Redux's strength lies in the unique perspective of its authors – individuals who combine intricate knowledge of the country's history, national culture and particularities with a sophisticated understanding of the contemporary era of new global realities. A thought-provoking work whose relevance transcends the national boundaries on which it is focused, and which offers food for thought for all societies striving to close the gap between promise and performance. Elaine M. Papoulias This is a very valuable and much needed guide to the current Romanian scene from deeply engaged experts. While basically optimistic in tone, it provides penetrating analysis of some of the obstacles to be overcome in achieving further economic growth and is particularly useful in offering specific solutions to many of them. Readers will find it indispensable as a handbook for future action. I can heartily recommend this volume to anyone interested in today's Romania. United States Ambassador to Romania (1992-1994) Joseph J. McCarthy Director of Degree Program John F. Kennedy School of Government Harvard University
Alte Detalii
  • Categorie: carte
  • Titlu: Romania Redux. A View from Harvard
  • An apariție: 2004
  • Ediție: editia I
  • Pagini: 164
  • Format: 16x24 cm
  • ISBN: 973-50-0845-9
  • ISBN-10: 973-50-0845-9
  • Colecție: în afara colecţiilor
  • Domeniu: social

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Author spotlight

C.S. Lewis

pagina autorului

CLIVE STAPLES LEWIS (1898–1963) – romancier, poet, profesor universitar, medievist, critic literar, eseist, teolog laic şi apologet creştin – a fost unul dintre marii intelectuali ai secolului XX. A predat, între 1925 şi 1954, literatura engleză la Universitatea din Oxford (Magdalen College), precum şi, din 1954 până în 1963, literatură medievală şi renascentistă la Universitatea din Cambridge.


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